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Fall Inputs For Next Year's Crop

orchard health

Fall Inputs For Next Year's Crop
Joe Bauman our PCA with Salida Ag Chem has consistently given us good advice and I wanted to pass it onto you in regards to fall inputs in preparation for next years crop...I have also linked to the more in depth version in the body of this email. 
Fall inputs this year must be matched to orchard performance. Replenishing the pantry is incredibly important for tree crops. A lucky field with a 3000 lb crop must receive full nutrition to repeat it again next year, while a frosted block that was holding a half-load all season may not require the same inputs...
When pricing gets into a situation of pinching the ability to apply inputs, typically it is best to reduce  rates rather than cut applications. It is always the first pint, first 10 lbs, or first 10 units that “do the most  work”. For example, while two post-harvest sprays of 30 lbs of urea each might maximize production, a  single 20 lb application will keep yields from dropping off a cliff. Read More

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